We need to talk about menopause nutrition

Struggling with perimenopause and menopause symptoms? Try these three nutritional tweaks...

If you’re in perimenopause or menopause, then you’ll know that it can bring some uncomfortable symptoms. Of course, every woman experiences these changes differently, but a common complaint I hear from my clients is that they have low energy and their weight is fluctuating.

Here’s the good news: there are three simple nutritional changes you can make today to improve peri and menopause symptoms…

Get enough protein

Why? As we get older the body’s ability to digest, absorb, use and respond to protein declines. So we need to have a high protein diet to help maintain (and build) muscle mass. The more muscles we have the more calories we burn, which can help slow or reverse menopausal weight gain.

What? Aim to have one serving of protein with every meal including snacks.

How? Add beans, tofu or chicken to salads, snack on hard boiled eggs, make a protein powder smoothie.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg

Why? As well as being full of healthy macronutrients, fresh fruit and veg can add filling fibre to meals and snacks.

What? Fibre keeps hunger at bay, improves energy and helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

How? Eat a rainbow of fruit and veg, add spinach to smoothies and peppers and onions to scrambled eggs.

Cut back on drinking

Why? Studies have shown a higher risk of hot flushes with alcohol use.

What? Drinking can also mess with your sleep, and when we don't get enough zzzs our body produces more cortisol, the stress hormone, which can signal to the brain to hang onto fat reserves. Plus, when we are tired and hungover, we are more likely to give into sugar and junk food cravings, which can add to menopausal weight gain.

How? Swap booze for alcohol-free alternatives, reduce intake by having spritzers or chose 1-2 nights a week to cut out drinking.

I have two menopause plans - MenoCore and Menofit Strength. Find out more about my training plans here and how I can help you today.


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