What is the best way to prevent muscle soreness?

Four easy ways to relieve delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

If you can hardly walk up the stairs after a workout you might be suffering from delayed onset muscle soreness, aka DOMS. You can’t prevent this unfortunately, but you can give those achy muscles a bit of TLC.

Why do we get DOMS?

Here’s the science bit: when we exercise and exert stress on the muscles, it damages the fibres, causing micro-tears. At the same time the muscles are producing lactic acid and the build up causes that familiar soreness post-workout.

The good news is after a workout our muscles are repairing, growing back bigger and stronger. So the more you work out the more defined and toned your muscles and body will be.

But the payback for the stress on the body is muscle soreness, which can last anywhere between three to five days.

How can I relieve DOMS?

Active recovery

One of the best ways to reduce muscle soreness is to get them moving again with an active recovery (low intensity) workout.

This can be anything from walking, yoga, swimming, stretching or foam rolling. Just make sure you warm up first.


As the building blocks of the body, protein is a macronutrient that is essential for growth and repair, as well as keeping us healthy.

Having a protein shake straight after your workout – or a protein rich meal - is great as you’re immediately starting to aid the recovery process and means you won’t feel so stiff during your next session. 


Magnesium supports healthy muscle function by blocking calcium uptake, which helps the muscles relax after a workout.

A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that this vital electrolyte could help reduce the build-up of lactic acid – the cause of DOMS.


When we’re in the Land of Nod, vital muscle-building growth hormones are secreted. This hormone production typically happens during deep, or slow wave, sleep.

This is the time when your muscles and tissues are relaxed and rejuvenated, and this whole process relieves tension and can reduce post-workout pain.


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